Physical Education & Health Science
Course Offerings
This class may include the following activities: walking, aerobics, weight training, basketball, volleyball, various recreational games.
Weights & Conditioning
This course is open to all athletes. Students utilize equipment in the weight room and learn proper techniques of weightlifting and conditioning exercises.
The following areas are covered in the curriculum: family living, nutrition, mental and emotional health, personal health, safety and first aid, consumer health, substance use and abuse, communicable and non-communicable diseases.
First Responder
This course will provide the student with an opportunity to test for certification as an Emergency Medical Responder. It includes a medical terminology portion, anatomy portion, and an extensive, hands-on section in preparation for the EMR exam. Students must first obtain a Basic Life Support Health Care Professional Cardiopulmonary Resuscitations card to continue in the EMR class. If the student passes the EMR exams, he/she will be eligible to sit for the national certification exam and complete the appropriate paperwork to be licensed in the state of Louisiana. This course can provide a student with dual-enrollment credit.
Medical Terminology
This course will provide the study of the principles of medical word building to help the student develop the extensive medical vcoabulary used in health-care occupations. Students receive a thorough grounding in basic medical terminology through a study of root words, prefixes, and suffixes. The study focuses on correct pronunciation, spelling and use of medical terms.
Sports Medicine
This course provides high school students with a general overview of athletic training, sports medicine and its history. It includes introductory information about the AT's scope of practice: injury prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, enmergency injury management, and administrative functions. This course is intended to help students gain an understanding of sports medicine, various associated disciplines and the role they play in the physically active community.